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Subject Choices 2024

This year DYW Live has a range of things to help learners with their options choices:

  • A LIVE session from SDS on Tuesday 10th at 09:45, introducing and running through how to use their updated and improved options tool.
  • A pre-recording from Peter Murray from Education Scotland with general advice on how to approach your subject choices.
  • A range of DYW Live Certificated Courses available in 25-26, providing choices and learning unlikely to be available in your school. Register interest now.
  • A range of pre-recordings on where certain subjects could take you for a career.

The pre-recordings all last around 30 minutes, we hope you find the content useful and best of luck with your choices!

a craft table with various pens and pencils


A watch link for the live/recorded webinars will be emailed closer to the event.


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